Estate Plan

Knights Grove Estate Plan
The estate consists of 227 Properties built by Taylor Wimpey in:
Rownhams Road
Borden Way
Harris Way
Fulford Road
Thomas Road
Folland Close
Carpiquet Park
Authie Green
Chilcott court
69 properties are social housing owned and managed by Radian.

Radian are not a member of the management company but do contribute towards the estate management charge.

The 158 private properties on the estate are all members of the management company.

129 properties are freehold houses.

The remaining properties are leasehold flats as follows:

12 x flats in Chilcott court
6 x flats in Harris Way
6 x flats in Borden Way
3 x flats in Chilcott Court (flats over garages)
2 x flats in Fulford Road (flats over garages)

The Management Company manages the areas of land coloured mauve on the Estate Plan.
Roads, Sewers and Public Open Spaces

The estate roads and sewers were adopted by the Local Authority on 1st May 2012

The six public open spaces shown on the estate plan coloured green were adopted by Test Valley Borough Council in 2012